straw poll

英 [ˌstrɔː ˈpəʊl] 美 [ˌstrɔː ˈpoʊl]

n.  (选举前的)非正式民意测验



  1. (选举前的)非正式民意测验
    an occasion when a number of people are asked in an informal way to give their opinion about sth or to say how they are likely to vote in an election


    1. N-COUNT 非正式民意测验
      A straw poll is the unofficial questioning of a group of people to find out their opinion about something.
      1. A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr Forth...
      2. Many parents wouldn't dream of buying the stuff for their daughters anyway, as a straw poll among my friends and acquaintances demonstrated.


    1. A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr Forth
    2. Many parents wouldn't dream of buying the stuff for their daughters anyway, as a straw poll among my friends and acquaintances demonstrated.
    3. The Iowa Straw Poll, as the event is known, effectively kicks off the race for the Republican Party's presidential nomination next year.
    4. Still, participants in a recent straw poll in Florida put Cain in first place.
    5. But a straw poll of FTSE 100 executives showed no such concern.
    6. But an admittedly unscientific straw poll of a handful of teachers in Shanghai schools found that this was true for them only in their first year.
    7. Despite low turnout, Mitt Romney says he's happy with his victory in the Iowa Straw Poll.
    8. The straw poll winner, Michele Bachmann, has substantial backing from social conservatives as well as the virulently anti-tax, anti-spend Tea Party faction of the Republican Party.
    9. I don't think we have to win the straw poll but we do have to show some progress.
    10. My straw poll reveals why: they are frantically filling in questionnaires and participating in online surveys.
    11. At the Ames straw poll in the Iowa heartland last month, Ron Paul, a Republican presidential candidate, was cheered to the rafters when he called for the troops to come home.
    12. The straw poll is an unreliable predictor of the winner of the Iowa caucuses, let alone the Republican nomination or the presidency.
    13. A straw poll of Roman Catholic priests in half a dozen poor inland parishes, where many residents have left home in search of work, found none who enjoyed a better attendance at Christmas mass because of an early exodus from the coast.
    14. Perry finished a disappointing second in a recent straw poll, or test vote, in Florida behind the surprise winner, Georgia businessman Herman Cain.
    15. His announcement comes as eight existing Republican candidates take part in an unofficial straw poll in Iowa state, which could influence who is eventually chosen to challenge Barack Obama.
    16. He placed a distant third in the Iowa straw poll behind a fellow-Minnesotan, Representative Michele Bachmann, and Congressman Ron Paul of Texas.
    17. A straw poll of local inhabitants in Mediterranean resorts concluded that British tourists were the worst dressed and Italians the most stylish.
    18. The Iowa Straw Poll is an early test of popularity and organizing strength for the crowded field of Republican presidential contenders.
    19. Mrs Bachmann's victory in the straw poll is a boost for her campaign.
    20. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin also is visiting Iowa but is not taking part in the straw poll.



    1. an unofficial vote taken to determine opinion on some issue

        Synonym:    straw vote